Wednesday, 27 July 2011

30 Years of Northsound

Marking 30 years of Northsound Greigsy produced and broadcast this special programme. What a phenomenal history. Some great old jingles and imaging too, I've been waering my anorak all day!

30 Years of Northsound by northsound1

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

McDonalds prefers Macs to PCs – what did you expect?

If you're a Mac lover you'll love this!

From the nice folk over at BitterWallet.

McDonalds prefers Macs to PCs – what did you expect?:

354952917 500x372 McDonalds prefers Macs to PCs   what did you expect?

In the eternal battle between PC nerds and Apple fanbois, who better to pitch in with their opinion than McDonalds? As much as we love our Macbooks, they’re taking the piss a little bit, aren’t they?


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Google+ reached 10m users in 16 days

Every now and again the explore option of my Google Reader throws up an awesome article, in this case I just had to share it. If you didn't already know I'm a bit of a 'statistic junkie'

Enter an article from TNW (The Next Web)

Simply amazing stats on the launch of Google+ though they don't translate directly to my personal experience of the launch. I still don't see too many friends setting up home in the world of +.

You'll find me on Google+ here

Google+ reached 10m users in 16 days. Want to know how long it took Facebook and Twitter?:

Google+ took a mere 16 days to hit 10 million users. By comparison, both Twitter and Facebook took over 2 years to hit that milestone, requiring 780 days and 852 days respectively.

Leon HÃ¥land has kindly put together this graph, which helps put Google+’s hockey-stick growth into perspective, compared to its social networking counterparts:

Read the full article over at TNW

Sunday, 17 July 2011

True Scotsman FAIL

Source: FAIL Blog
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Great Scot!

Google Takeout

Google are often known for being the first to champion and launch new ideas and products on the web. Some more successful that others, remember Google Wave?

Fast on the heels of the Google+ launch comes Google Takeout. I know what your thinking; “What a great idea! Now on a Saturday night as I spend my time chatting online, uploading photo’s, checking in and nipping from ‘huddle-to-huddle’ on Google+ I can use Takeout to order Lamb Bhuna, rice and Nan from my local takeout! Right?”

Wrong. Though, I can’t help but think that’s a great idea, specially if there was a discount attached to checking in or ordering through Google+!

Google Takeout is the Google attempt to take on the Facebook privacy issues. In one click you can download all your data from Gmail contacts, Buzz, Picasa and more.

I’ve just downloaded all my data which wasn’t a huge amount, it was easy, asked for my password a couple of times and downloaded in open formats - handy to import the data into other services.

The product was launched in June by the Data Liberation blog. As with any Google product lunch, it came with a Google-esk video.

A handy service from Google? Let me know your thoughts.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Google+ a Parodie

The Essential Spotify Tools [Spotify]

The Essential Spotify Tools [Spotify]:

Spotify has just launched in the USA. I've been using Spotify in UK since it's launch both free and most recently premium services. It's great!

...but like me you probably like to make great things even better, here's a handy guide to the essential tools. Thanks Lifehacker!

"If you didn't already get in on the US launch of Spotify, the dominant freemium music streaming service in Europe, head over here and get an account. Once you're done with that, come back, because you're gonna need these tools to get the most out of Spotify." More »

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Northern Nectar

One of the good things about living in the north (again) ..!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

How To Turn Your Netbook Into a Chromebook with Chromium OS [Video]

One that I've tried - here's a handy guide thanks to Lifehacker. I tried it with my old Acer Asipre One netbook with a 2Gb USB flash drive, worked great and wet my taste-buds for a fully fledged Chromebook - I still think the future is Tablet shaped though.

How To Turn Your Netbook Into a Chromebook with Chromium OS [Video]:

Click here to read How To Turn Your Netbook Into a Chromebook with Chromium OS

Google recently released their own line of Chrome OS-clad netbooks, but with only a few choices and a somewhat high price tag, you might be more comfortable running Chrome OS on your own machine. Here's how to install it on your current laptop or
netbook. More »