Tuesday, 25 September 2012

5x50 Day 17. Space Hopper on the Loose

Day 17 of the challenge, a day that I feared I wouldn't get out to do my 5k!

Over and above the idea of doing 5k a day for 50 days, I've added the extra challenge of doing all of my 5kms outdoors, so no gym. no using the exercise bike that we've had installed on the balcony at Northsound. Outdoors for 5k, everyday till the end of the challenge. I must be mad!

Today? Epic storm. It pretty much kept me awake much of the night, gale force winds and heavy rain. When I looked out through the curtains this morning I was confronted with what only can be described as what I imagine the street of a large children's art school post-hurricane would look like. Yogurt pots, loo-roll tubes, tin foil, juice bottles, papers, cans and milk cartons scattered everywhere. Epic storm arrived in time for recycling day collections in Cove. #naturewin

Some really awesome images floating around the internet from this morning, there's a hole bunch of them right here on the Northsound 1 Facebook page. These are my two favourites of the day, both of Fittie in Aberdeen.

Fittie from the Seacroft Marine's Office. Credit STV/Cal Reed
Sea Foam in Fittie from the Seacroft Marine's Office. Credit STV/Cal Reed
Shelagh Swanson tweeted this image to Northsound 1 of the view of Fittie out her window!
Shelagh Swanson tweeted this image to Northsound 1. The view of Fittie out her window!
The epic weather also resulted in a couple of unusual Jambuster calls to John Mellis in the Northsound 1 Studio, we're keeping these calls for the Christmas tape! Runaway Space Hopper and a loose Trampoline? It could be April the 1st...!

Hometime from work, Epic storm gone. 5k time! 2km run, 3km walk today. My left calf muscle is giving me grief, ice and rest and back at it tomorrow for day 18!

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