Tuesday, 4 September 2012

I did something on Sunday...

I did something on Sunday that I never thought I’d do.

I did something on Sunday that I never thought I’d enjoy.

I did something on Sunday that never thought I’d want to do again.

I ran a 10k road race.

Finished! Great Scottish Run 10k, Glasgow Green

I did it, enjoyed it and want to do it again. Who’d have thought! Next year my sights are set on running the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon!

Today also marks 4 days until I take on the next challenge I’ve signed myself up for.

The 5x50 Challenge. Walk, jog or cycle 5k a day for 50 days.

I’m taking the challenge as part of team Northsound Cash for Kids, raising money for a great charity that helps kids in need, in the North East of Scotland.

It takes around 50 days days to form or break a lasting habit. This challenge is about just that.

"A charity challenge encouraging people to run, walk, jog or cycle 5k every day for 50 days with the aim of changing habits for a lifetime"

Taking about changing habits, I've always lacked the commitment to become regular blogger. Today I decided to change that too. Starting Sunday I plan to document my progress on this blog... well if 50 days can form a lasting habit...

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